Guangzhou Youwoo Handbag Co.Ltd is a wholesale company that manufacture women handbag, backpack, travel bag, evening bag, wallet, packing bag, packing box, etc from 2012. We provide lower MOQ stock bags with drop shipping service, do also support custom logo and design. Welcome contact us for more details and hope could make cooperation with you!
Q: Can I request a sample? A: Yes. Our stock samples are free, the shipping fee will be needed to pay. If you need custom designed item or with printed logo, the set-up charge is needed. Q: Can I request an item that is not on your website? A: Yes, let us know what you are looking for and we will find it for you. We have access to thousands of items. Q: Can you rush my order? A: Yes, all efforts will be made to accommodate rush order requests. Q: What format art do I need to submit for printing? A: High resolution (300 dpi or higher) Illustrator files, EPS, or high resolution PDF Q: Can my order be delivered on time? A: That's the plan! Once we get your order, we will pay more attention on the production and shipping to ensure delivery of your order happens on time.